Welcome! In this part, you will learn the basics of database. I.e. To create own database, use database, create tables and insert values ..
- First, get access to MySQL server...
To see the list of database, simply type show databases;

To create a new database, type create database [database_name]
Example : Create database bba;
Above code will create a database bba in MySQL server...
Create a table inside database :
To create a table or work inside a database, first u need to enter inside a database you want to interact.. To use the database type use [database_name];
Example : use bba;
To create a table in database, see the example below :
Create table students (id integer primary key auto_increment, name varchar(100), address varchar(200), roll integer unique));
Above code will :
1. Create a table in database with name students !
2. Add a column [id] .. Integer means only numbers are accepted, primary key means main index key on database, auto_increment means that you dont need to insert values in id column everytime. Database will automatically update upcoming records..
3. Add a column [name] with varchar(100) .. varchar means character. It accepts almost everything . (100) means that only 100 words will be accepted in this column.
4. Add a column [address]
5. Add a column roll.. Unique means that values wont be repeated
To see the table you have created, type desc [table_name]
Example : desc students;
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