Derivation of demand curve from law
of diminishing marginal utility
The downward
sloping demand curve which represents inverse association between price and
quantity demand can be derived with the help of law of diminishing marginal
utility. The MU curve implies that as unit consumption of X goes on rising, the
MU from X goes on diminishing. Every point on the MU curve represents consumers
equilibrium where MUx=Px. The changing MUx and Px brings consumer into
equilibrium in each point of the MUx cuve.
The following figure demonstrates the
derivation of downward slopping demand curve with the help of principle of
diminishing marginal utility. The figure has two parts. Upper panel represents
derivation of MU curve and lower panel the derivation of demand curve.

This figure
has two parts. Part A represents diminishing marginal utility and part B
represents demand curve. Initially when a consumer consumes OX1 unit of
commodity he derives OMU3 marginal utility at OP3 unit of price. Now when the
price falls to OP2 MU is greater than price so to make equilibrium MU should be
reduced. Consumer should increase the consumption of X. when he reaches OX2 he
obtains the equilibrium at OMU2=OP2. When price falls to OP1 the MUX is less
than price, so to make equilibrium MU should be increased and this can be done
only when the quantity demanded is increased. When the consumption is increased
at OX3 he attains the equilibrium at OMU1=OP1.
In this way the demand curve can be
explained with the help of diminishing marginal utility curve.
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